Six Things I'm Passionate About:
~>God, always and forever.
~>Girls, haha I'm sure you guys are passionate for the opposite sex too ;)
~>The band, still waiting to jam.
~>Youths, Passion Conference was pretty good, Ivan is gonna make a video about it.
~>College subjects.
~>TVB Drama - Moonlight Resonance. English Series - Entourage. Awesome!
Six Things I Say Too Often:~>How are you?
~>Sandwich. Currently I'm living on sandwich for my diet, made a few for my friends, Jen Zi: You can open a stall already. Cool!
~>Singing, jum karaoke.
~>Jum movie, I need a company.
~>Mama, are you still watching the television? (I'll dedicate 1 blog entry for my grandma soon)
~>Breakfast ready. I'm making breakfast everyday this week for family.
Six Books I Read (Recently):~>Auditing texbook.
~>Organisation Law textbook.
~>Business Capstone student guide.
~>Decision Analysis textbook.
~>Dictionary haha... all these books requires a dictionary to understand you know.
Six Songs I Can Listen to Again and Again:
~>Audioslave - Be Yourself
~>Foo Fighters - Everlong
~>Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
~>Radiohead - Creep
~>Lifehouse - First Time
~>The Calling - Wherever You Will Go
~>Nirvana - Lithium
~>Boys Like Girls - Great Escape
~>The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Guardian Angel
~>The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - False Pretense
I have no choice. These are the song list for the coming jamming session xD
Six Things I Learnt In The Past Year:~>Trust in God and He will do His best for you.
~>Failing isn't a fullstop in life. You can form a new sentence after that.
~>Improve yourself while waiting for the right person.
~>You can choose to see things as a blessing or burden. If you choose to always look things as burden, you're one major sad case.
~>You gotta believe in what you're doing, don't let people influence you easily.
~>Life's too short to think of the sad stuffs too often, be happy and move forward.