*Meowww* It's been almost 3 months now. One night a cat came to me in the kitchen and started calling me. She's pregnant, I sense she must be pretty hungry and unable to find food with her current condition. Therefore I fed her with white bread and she quickly finished it up without hesitation. On the third night, when I brought her bread again, she didn't even bother to touch it. I was thinking hrm..... this cat is getting free food but wanna 'jual mahal' with me huh! Nevermind, went back the cupboard, took the biscuit box out and I gave her some Jacobs Cream Crackers dip in water. She ate it! Awesome, cats nowadays eats bread, eats biscuits etc. Sometimes I would save some fish for her. Soon it became a habit and a task for me to attend to her every night for dinner/supper. During the days where I'm not at home or teraccidentally forget or busy, sorry la cat, you're not my girlfriend or wive or God, you should know by now why I've never keep a pet by myself (they'll die sooner or later when I teraccidentally forget bout them).
About a month plus later, she gave birth to one or two kittens. She's orange and her babies are greyish/black. I was wondering where is their useless father who made her pregnant. The father, greyish/black would come with her sometimes to get food from me. There's a few times where she went into my house, into my bed room! I chased her out of the house, apa ni, that's trespassing! I'll hang a "Trespassers without permission with be shot without question" signboard soon! To my surprise, one night she brought in a baby kitten into my study room thru my bed room and hid there. Looks like it's all planned out already. As smart as the cat can be, she doesn't know about Queen of my house yet, Your Royal, Powerful & Naggy Highness, Queen Grande Mama. Talking speed = 100 hertz/s. My grandma got mad over this and took a big metal scissors, clipped the kitten's neck, nagging with passion, threw it to the fields. The kitten kept screaming in pain. Youch! I was withnessing it uncomfortably and continue using my computer.
Later the night the mother cat came to the window and kept meowwing me. She wants to get into my house thinking her baby was still in my study room. I was quite disturbed by it for an hour. Later I snuck out of the house to the fields and brought the baby kitten back to the mother. As soon as the baby kitten was back to the mother, what I was about to see really touches my heart. She was hugging the baby kitten closely to herself, kissing and caressing the baby kitten over and over again. It's amazing, the love she had for her young ones. I just stood there and was very please to see them together, the cat meowwwed while looking at me (it was thank you I suppose).
Now looking back into that night, it hits me back to my faith. If the mother cat can love her baby kitten so much, what is our Abba Father's love for us? Our Creator? Isn't God's love is the one who trully surpasses all and every earthly things? Isn't it amazing? And I really felt thankful for everything that has happened. Someone you can hold on to no matter what happens, someone who will be there for you all the time, someone who gives you your identity and guide you till the very end. You can never go wrong with Him.
During my sleep lately, sometimes I heard cats meowwing with excitment. Oh no!!! Are they planning to make more babies?!!! *Faints*
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